Jaima Ortega

Business Officer

Webb Hall 1006
Oversees all departmental operations: Academic Personnel, Budget & Finance, Computing, Facilities, Field Trips, Human Resources, Procurement, Reimbursements, and Student Affairs.

Chandler Adamaitis

MS Summer 2020

Jenna Adams

PhD Summer 2020

Morgan Adamson

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2015

Olivia Anderson

Noble Annex 1019

Ralph Archuleta

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Tanya Atwater

Professor Emeritus

Ruixia Bai

PhD candidate

Noble Annex 1009

Audra Bastress

MS candidate

Webb Hall 1032

Alec Baudry

PhD candidate

Noble Annex 1009

James Boles

Professor Emeritus

Brennan Brunsvik

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2042

Doug Burbank

Professor Emeritus

Ben Byerly

Senior Development Engineer

Noble Annex 1019 and Webb Hall 2107
TIMS Lab manager and responsible for all aspects of this lab and recharge facility.

Lena Capece

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2028

Jordan Clark


Webb Hall 2115
General field of Aqueous Geochemistry.

John Cottle


Webb Hall 2031A
Application of geochronology to solve tectonic problems

Dani Cox


Off Campus

Molly Crotteau

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2028

Christopher Crow

Lab Mechanician

Webb Hall 1055A
Organizes and completes projects for both classroom and research; mechanical repair, vehicle repair, wood working, and metal working. Assists in coordination of class and research field trips.

Shannon Dalton

Undergraduate Program Coordinator

Webb Hall 1006
Handles all aspects of the undergraduate program, working with both students and faculty in all areas.

Menso de Jong

Noble Annex 1021

Claire Divola

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1049

Quinlan Dougherty

Graduate Program Coordinator

Webb Hall 1006
Handles all aspects of the graduate program, working with both students and faculty in all areas.

Yifan Du

PhD candidate

Noble Annex 1009

Ryan Eden

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2015

Zach Eilon

Associate Professor

Webb Hall 2116
Seismic tomography, inverse methods, anisotropy, and attenuation.

Elizabeth Erickson

PhD Summer 2023

Talia Evans

Postdoc Scholar

Christopher Everett

PhD Fall 2024

Emily Felder

MS candidate

Webb Hall 1037

Phillip Gans


Webb Hall 1034
Structural geology and tectonics and are focused on deformational and thermal processes within continental lithosphere.

Keneni Godana

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2042

Kelsey Gosselin

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2029

Bradley Hacker

Professor Emeritus

Pengyuan Han

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2015

Anant Hariharan

Postdoc Scholar

Webb 2042

Sunna Harðardóttir

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1030A

Rachel M. Haymon

Professor Emeritus

Gwynn Hernandez

MS candidate

Webb Hall 1037

Bets Hobart

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1032

Emily Huffman

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1049

Amanda Roeliza Hunt

MS candidate

Webb Hall 1049

Kriston Hyde

Systems & Network Administrator

Webb Hall 1015A
Provides all aspects of technical support for the Earth Sciences department.

Matt Jackson


Webb Hall 2022
Uses stable and radiogenic isotope systems to develop methods to explore the long-term geochemical evolution of the Earth

Chen Ji


Webb Hall 2036
Seismological and geodetic methods to constrain the source characterization of moderate and large earthquakes

Zachary Jones

PhD candidate

Noble Annex 1017

Marianna Karagiannis

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2028

James Kennett

Professor Emeritus

Frank Kinnaman


Hailie Kittner

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2029

Andrew Kylander-Clark

Senior Development Engineer

Cloud Laboratory Bldg 1117
Lab manager for the LA-ICPMS lab; maintains the instrumentation and facilitates the collection, processing and interpretation of geochronologic and geochemical data produced in the lab.

David Lea


Webb Hall 1114
Geological record of climate change and its causes/consequnces, marine geochemistry and the carbon cycle, present-day global climate change, and pathways to carbon neutrality.

Gen Li

Assistant Professor

Webb Hall 1120
Chemical and physical processes that cycle materials and elements in the earth system.

Lorraine Lisiecki

Vice Chair

Webb Hall 2113
Stratigraphic correlation and age model development for compilation and statistical analysis of paleoclimate data on orbital to millennial timescales.

Fan Liu

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1030A

Josh Love

MS candidate

Webb Hall 1115

Yang Luo

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1031

Bruce Luyendyk

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Ken Macdonald

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Patricia Machuca

Financial Manager

Webb Hall 1006
Responsible for financial management of Earth Science accounts, including start ups, retention, operational, gift, and academic senate grants. Oversees purchasing, reimbursements and gift processing. Prepares lab recharges, in charge of staff and student employment and payroll, and is the department timekeeper.

Sal Maldonado

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2029

Carolina Martinez Gutierrez

Assistant Professor

Webb Hall 2120
Application of genomics and phylogenomics to explore the past and current evolution of life in the context of Earth's history.

Robin Matoza


Webb Hall 2114
Volcano seismology, volcano acoustics. Volcanic processes and eruption dynamics. Seismology, infrasound, and seismo-acoustics.

Sara Matsumura

MS candidate

Webb Hall 2029

Elisa Medri

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1049

John Moore

Webb Hall 1037

Kristin Morell

Associate Professor

Webb Hall 1115
Application of field geology, geochronology, and remote sensing to understand the dynamics, growth, and erosion of tectonically active regions, especially subduction zones

Ivan Moreno

Postdoc Scholar

Noble Annex 1015

Lauren Mumby

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1007

Sam Newall

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1032

Craig Nicholson


MSI Research Building (MSRB) Rm 3411

Sophia Ortner

MS candidate

Webb Hall 2015

Alexander Pacubas

MS candidate

Webb Hall 2042

Todd Penniman

Mechanical Shop Supervisor

Webb Hall 1055A
Machine shop supervisor and department safety representative; Coordinates field course and field research logistics, purchases materials and equipment for department projects, fabrication of equipment using various materials and directs workers in appropriate lab safety training.

Debra Perrone

Affiliated Faculty

BREN 4025

Alexandra Phillips

Affiliated Faculty

BREN 4426

Purbajyoti Phukon

Fulbright Postdoc Scholar

Webb Hall 2015

Jorge Pichardo

Financial Assistant

Webb Hall 1006
Assists with reimbursements, travel arrangements, purchasing, processing invoices, donations and shipping and receiving.

Susannah Porter


Webb Hall 1037
Focuses on the rise of complex life, from the fossils of early eukaryotes to the first widespread appearance of skeletal animals.

William Prothero, Jr

Professor Emeritus

Trap Puckette

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1049

Morgan Raven

Associate Professor

Webb Hall 2024
Mechanisms of organic matter preservation and organic sulfur cycling in the environment

Yann Ricard

Academic and Student Affairs Manager

Webb Hall 1006
Oversees policy and personnel matters in our academic programs. Manages academic appointments and advancements, and advises faculty on academic policies.

Leigh Anne Riedman

Webb Hall 1037

Matt Rioux

Associate Teaching Professor

Webb Hall 1116
Application of geochronology, geochemistry, and petrology to study igneous and tectonic processes.

Roberta L. Rudnick

Distinguished Professor

Webb Hall 1031A
Geochemistry and Petrology, Continent Formation and Evolution.

Cristhian Salas Pazmino

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2042

Jacob Schmidt

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 2029

Gareth Seward

Senior Development Engineer

Woodhouse Lab 2001
Electron Microscopy, Diffraction and Micro-Analysis Lab Manager. Responsible for the development, maintenance and repair of scientific instrumentation and associated facilities and lab equipment.

Lee Sharpnack

Associate Development Engineer

Woodhouse Lab 2001
Provides technical support services in the following areas: maintenance and repair, design, instructional and experimental functions for analytical instruments.

Alex Simms


Webb Hall 2041
Focuses on the processes that shape and the Quaternary history of shallow marine settings with a particular emphasis on reconstructing past records of sea-level change.

Frank Spera

Professor Emeritus

Toshiro Tanimoto

Distinguished Professor

Webb Hall 2112
Interested in understanding the deep earth structure as well as the near-surface environment.

Jonathan Tarn

PhD candidate

Off Campus

Bruce Tiffney

Professor Emeritus

David Valentine

Distinguished Professor

Webb Hall 2117
Drawn to environmental problems at the interface of geochemistry, microbiology, the ocean and society.

Jennifer Van Pelt

MS Winter 2011

Eva Von Thury

MS Spring 2013

Ian Walker

Affiliated Faculty

Ellison 4834

David Wampler

MS Fall 2013

Jiong Wang

PhD Summer 2021

Syee Weldeab


Webb Hall 1113
Climate changes to constrain the magnitude and pace of climate warmings and climatic feedback processes.

Eric White

MS Winter 2014

Lori Willhite

MS Summer 2019

Amanda Willingham

MS Spring 2012

Douglas Wilson


Webb 1051

Jared Wilson

MS Fall 2018

Tina Woltz

PhD Spring 2022

Jason Womer

MS 2017

Alexander Wrobel

Noble Annex 1021

Mong Sin (Christine) Wu

Postdoc Scholar

Noble Annex 1011

Abby Wyant

MS Summer 2015

Andre Wyss


Webb Hall 1112
Field collection of fossil synapsids, mostly mammals. Description of their anatomy, often dental, placing these taxa into their phylogenetic and stratigraphic context.

Han Xiao

PhD Summer 2022

Tomoko Yano

PhD Fall 2012

Lun Zhang

MS Spring 2021

Wentao Zheng

PhD candidate

Webb Hall 1037

Yuxin Zhou

Postdoc Scholar

Noble 1011

Yifan Zhu

PhD candidate

Noble Annex 1015

Julie Zurbuchen

PhD Summer 2019