Latitude: N 33°50'10"
Longitude: W 116°18'25"W

Length: 1419.45m
Number of Bench marks: 41

Number of Surveys to 2000:
Date of Initial Survey: 22 August 1992
Date of Latest Survey: 24 September 1996

Trespass Permission: The land is owned by The Nature Conservancy, and notice to survey the line must be given in advance. It is extremely important not to drive vehicles onto any part of The Nature Conservancy land, including dirt roads that lead off onto Conservancy land. Failure to do so will result in the citation by local law enforcement as well as a permanent ban on surveying this line.

Directions: Take I-10 in Coachella Valley to Ramon Road. Proceed east on Ramon Road 4.6 miles to Thousand Palms Canyon Road. Turn left and proceed 1.8 miles to turnout on right side of the road. A trail head sign is 15 m from the east edge of the turn out. The trail head sign is between bench marks TPC23 and TPC24. The line trends N45oE in the wash. Take your valuables with you.

Comments: This line crosses the Mission Creek fault approximately between bench marks TPC20 and TPC21. The line was established to measure vertical displacement on the fault along the north edge of the Indio Hills.

Between August 1992 and December 1992, the line apparently tilted south southwestward about 3 microradians without displacement at the Mission Creek fault. Since 1992, the northeast side of the line is flattening to with 1 mm of its initial position, defining, thereby, a small arch on the northeast side of the fault zone.


Clark, M. M., 1984. Map showing recently active breaks along the San Andreas fault and associated faults between Salton Sea and Whitewater River - Mission Creek, California. U.S. Geological Survey Map I-1483, 1:24,000.
Sylvester, A. G., 1993. Investigation of nearfield postseismic slip following the M W 7.3 Landers earthquake sequence of 28 June 1992, California. Geophysical Research Letters 20, 1079-1082.

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