Latitude: N 33°36'15"
Longitude: W 116°01'20"

Length: 1606.0m
Number of Bench marks: 53

Number of Surveys to 2000: 12
Date of Initial Survey: 4 September 1983
Date of Latest Survey: 29 June 1996

Trespass Permission: None needed.

From Mecca, take Highway 195 4.9 miles northeast to Painted Canyon Road. Drive northwest on Painted Canyon Road 2.2 miles (17 power line poles) to a curve in the road. From pole #N4302 drive 0.95 mile to the south end of the Painted Canyon level line. Bench mark PC01 is 60 paces on a 137° bearing from a large green shrub on the west side of the road.

This line extends across the San Andreas fault in the mouth of Painted Canyon, Mecca Hills, in the Salton Trough, four miles northeast of Mecca.

Four levelings from September 1983 to September 1992 are compared in an accompanying figure. Bench mark height changes relative to the initial leveling are generally less than 8 mm, however, the central part of the line northeast of the fault has progressively risen. The rising part of the line coincides approximately with the hinge of an anticline that is exposed in the canyon walls. If the rising bench marks and the anticline are related, then the anticline is rising at a rate of nearly 1mm/yr.

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