Latitude: N 36°11'35"
Longitude: W 120°46'12"

Length: 897.4m
Number of Bench marks: 23

Number of Surveys to 2000: 6
Date of Initial Survey: 1 August 1985
Date of Latest Survey: 2 July 1993

Trespass Permission: None needed, but the line is located in Caltrans right-of-way.

From San Lucas on U.S. 101 in central California, Drive 14 miles east-southeast on Hwy 198 to Peach Tree Road. Continue across Peach Tree Road up the grade about 3 miles to its crest. The east end of the leveling array is at the crest of the grade, and i t continues westnorthwest and west part way down the grade and across the San Andreas fault. The highway is heavily travelled and surveying conditions may be hazardous.

This line was established across the creeping section of the San Andreas fault. The line segment between MG14 and MG15 is along a highway fill at one end of a sag pond on the fault.

Four levelings are compared in an accompanying figure. The heights of bench marks fluctuate +/-5 mm from 1986 to 1990. No vertical displacement is evident across the fault.

Sylvester, A. G., 1995. Nearfield vertical displacement in the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault, central California, 1975 to 1994. Tectonophysics 247, 25-47.

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