HECTOR Level Line

Latitude: N 34°46 18 N
Longitude: W 116°28 28 W

Length: 307.7m
Number of Bench marks: 12

Number of Surveys to 2000: 4
Date of Initial Survey: 28 July 1992
Date of Latest Survey: 20 July 1995

Trespass Permission: None required.

Directions: From Barstow, drive highway I-40 east about 30 miles to Hector Road exit. Turn right then right again on to Na tional Trails Highway, proceed west 1.3 miles to point where the highway crosses the Pisgah fault. The level line crosses the fault between bench marks H05 and H07 about 100 m south of the highway.

Comments: This line was established to measure vertical displacement across the Pisgah fault after a series of minor cracks were found along the fault following the 28 June 1992 Landers earthquake. The level line accompanies a doubly braced strain quadrilateral at the same site. The level line and quadrilateral share bench marks H08.

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