Latitude: 34š31'07"
Longitude: 119š16'36"

Number of Bench marks: 5
Number of Surveys to 1993: 1

Date of Initial Survey: January 1972
Date of Latest Survey: January 1972

Trespass Permission: Contact Ojai Forestry Station for access during the fire season. Access to the bench marks requires passage through USFS locked gates.

Directions: From Ventura, proceed north on State Hwy 33 about 23 miles to Wheeler Gorge campground. The quadrilateral spans the campground. Point A is on a promontor y on the east side of the highway; the other three points are located on promontories on the ridge west of the campground.

Comments: This array was established across the Santa Ynez fault and triangulated once only with a Wild T2 theodolite and targets. Bench marks are 1.6 m-long, copper jacketed steel weld rods.

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