Latitude: 34š40'37"N
Longitude: 118š26'55"W

Number of Bench marks: 5

Number of Surveys to 1993: 2
Date of Initial Survey: 13 July 1988
Date of Latest Survey: 3 August 1989

Trespass Permission: Several of the bench marks are on private property and may require trespass permission before commencing a survey.

Directions: The array straddles the San Andreas fault at the intersection of Elizabeth Lake and Lake Hughes roads.

Comments: The array was established by the NGS in 1964. Bench marks are standard NGS bronze tablets. Some of the bench marks are on private property, and some of the bench marks have been obliterated or obscured by new construction, rendering the array rather weak for geodetic determination of horizontal strain. The initial UCSB survey measured slope lengths with an HP3808A distance meter, whereas the 1989 survey used a Wild T C2000 and measured horizontal lengths. Thus, the numbers in an accompanying table are not comparable.

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